Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lesson 5

1. Who are you interviewing for your informational interview that is due with the portfolio at the end of the term?
I have recently met one of the head human service workers for the Boys and Girls Club here in Wausau.  Our sons have cub scouts together.  I am thinking about talking to him to set up an interview.  I think he would be a good person to interview because I would be interested in working with children possibly for my next Field Experience.

2. Have you been working on updating your resume and tweaking your cover letter?
I have updated my resume to include the agency I am doing my Field Experience at.  I have also included that I am now a volunteer (Advancement Chair) for the Cub Scouts troop 416.  I have not done much to my cover letter at this point.

3. How has your professional self developed through your time here at NTC?
I feel like I have grown a lot as a person since I started at NTC.  I feel like I am more open.  I am a shy person but being at NTC has helped me to be more comfortable talking to people.  I am still nervous a lot but it is getting better as time goes on. 

4. Anything else I need to know?  Need to vent?  Share good stuff?  Do it here....
I had my interview for placement in an agency.  I interviewed with Community Corner Clubhouse.  It went perfect.  I am so excited to get started (Oct. 3).  I am also nervous about the amount of hours I am going to have to complete in between classes and work.  It is going to be tough.  The clubhouse seems like a great place to work.  It is a relaxed atmosphere and very non-traditional from a clinical setting.  I am so excited. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Discussion Board Self-Assessment

1. How often do you post to the discussion board?     I post to the discussion board at least 3 times per week.  I check the discussion board daily and read pretty much every post for everyone in the class.  If something jumps out at me I reply to it. 
2. What types of response techniques do you use?  The technique I have noticed I use the most often is expanding on the topic.  If I am left curious while reading a post I will ask a question to end my curiosity but that doesn't happen to often.  I mostly expand and talk about what makes me agree with what someone else has said. 
3. Do you complete your initial prompt or list your activities at your agency by Wednesday of each week?  This is one thing I am usually good about.  I make sure I post as early as I can so others have an opportunity to read my post and reply if they wish too.  I have found in other online classes that some people wait until the very last moment to complete their initial post and that makes it hard for other students to get all the replies done that need to be completed. 
4. When peers post to your initial prompt, do you reply to them?  I try to respond to people who reply to my post.  I usually do if there is something of quality to say back.  I don't want to waste my time or others by posting something that doesn't need to be said.  I know I spend a lot of time reading posts and it gets frustrating when the same thing is said over and over and when there is things posted that is not relevant to the discussion at hand. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 2

So far I am feeling pretty concerned about the Field 1 class.  I have not yet been placed and that worries me.  I am a very busy person with work, school, and kids so I am scared about completing all the required hours.  I feel like I am getting a late start.  Otherwise I am feeling good about the class and super excited to start exploring all the different opportunities that are available for those in the helping profession.

This may sound bad but what I learned is that there is more than one kind of resume.  I had no idea.  I thought there was one general format for a resume, so I was surprised to learn that there are different types of resumes depending on the experience you have and the job you are applying for. 

Something good about this week is that the kids finally go back to school!!  They are about as excited as I am.  I may actually be able to have a minute of me time!